Sunday, May 29, 2005

Choosing Your Surgeon

Choosing your surgeon is clearly an important task. If your problem is not urgent or emergent you will have time to evaluate the credentials of your surgeon. Here is a list of questions to ask:

1. Are you board certified?
2. How many years have you been in practice?
3. How many of these procedures have you done?
4. Where did you go to medical school?
5. Where did you did your residency training?

You can also find online if your surgeon has any medical board disciplinary actions (a very bad sign). Finally, and importantly, do you feel confident in your surgeon and does he or she listen to your questions. These are simple ways to decide who should perform your surgery.

I'd love to here your comments on this topic.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

EMEDx Blog

Welcome to the EMEDx Blog.

This will be a direct link off the EMEDx site and will serve its users.
To make suggestions about this blog, send an email to:

I will answer questions via this blog for selected topics. All answers will be posted on the site and are not meant as specific medical advice but rather general information to be shared by all EMEDx users. No names will be posted.

This blog will also contain links to topics within and outside of the EMEDx site. I look forward to interacting on this new platform.


Allan Mishra, MD
President EMEDx